
Privacy Policy

For more information continue reading.


Consent of the interested party.


Your data may be transferred to platform advertisers for the sole purpose of managing your orders and discounts.


Access, rectify and delete the data, limit and oppose the treatment, the portability of the data and withdraw the consent granted.

Additional Information

You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection by continuing to read this notice or by contacting via email: info@erasmusfemst.com

The operations, procedures and technical procedures that are carried out in an automated or non-automated manner and that enable the collection, storage, modification, transfer and other actions on personal data, are considered personal data processing.

Prior to sending any request for information through any email address on the erasmusfemst.com website, the user accepts this Privacy Policy, thus giving their unequivocal, free, specific and informed consent to the processing of their data. personal for the indicated purposes.

The aforementioned express consent implies the authorization of the processing of your data by ERASMUS FEMST in the terms established in this Privacy Policy, as well as by those in charge of the treatment with whom ERASMUS FEMST maintains an obligatory contractual relationship and compliance control.

Responsible for treatment: José Carlos León

C.I.F.: B-09779570

Address: Calle Pastora Pavón Cruz, 27. 14014 Córdoba

Email: info@erasmusfemst.com

ERASMUS FEMST guarantees the confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected, having adopted security measures to avoid alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access and guarantee the integrity and security of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, which develops Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantees of Digital Rights, putting for this the necessary technical means to prevent any alteration, loss, unauthorized access or misuse of the data processed, according to the nature of the data, the state of the technology, and the risks to which they are exposed.


ERASMUS FEMST informs you that the personal data you provide through this website, including the IP address, will be processed for the following purposes:

1. Provide adequately and with all the guarantees the services of intermediation and allocation of discounts and promotions.

2. Respond to inquiries about our services, discounts, promotions and other pertinent information made through any of the communication mechanisms offered on this website, such as contact forms.

3. Manage your data as a user and communicate them to advertisers for verification and use of promotions.

4. Register your data and contact you commercially in case you want to appear as an advertiser on the platform.

5. When you consent, register your data and send you commercial communications about our services, activities and events.

6. Respond and send information to the interested party about our privacy policy or request to exercise rights regarding Data Protection.

7. Manage our social networks regarding the data of the people who become followers. In this regard, the processing of data is governed by the provisions of this Privacy Policy and by the terms and conditions, privacy policies and specific access regulations of each social network.

8. Carry out periodic web analysis studies for statistical purposes based on the data provided.

9. Analyze user behavior while browsing the web, provided that you consent to the use of cookies enabled for this purpose.

10. Comply with relevant legal obligations, as well as prevent fraud.

With the express and informed consent, access by ERASMUS FEMST to the data that, in accordance with the infrastructure of this website, is required to contact users, manage comments on the blog, validate or recommendations on social networks and / or send informative communications about ERASMUS FEMST.

We will not use your data for any other purpose not expressed in this privacy policy, nor will we send additional unsolicited information with your express consent.

The legitimation of the different processing activities carried out by ERASMUS FEMST are:

· For the purpose of providing the services, the treatment is based on the execution of a contract between the parties.

· For the purposes of marketing and commercial management, the treatment is based on the consent of the interested party.

· For the purposes related to the analysis of the behavior of users on the web, the treatment is based on the express consent granted by the users at the time of the specific acceptance of the web cookies.

· For the purposes related to compliance with legal obligations, the treatment is based on the legal basis authorized for this purpose in the LOPDGDD.

ERASMUS FEMST undertakes not to transfer data to third parties without having obtained the express consent of the users. However, you can transfer metrics and analytics requested by computer tools installed on the website, always anonymous. Some of these services may be owned by third parties residing outside the European Union (Google, WordPress, etc.).

ERASMUS FEMST uses secure tools whose servers are preferably in Spain, or failing that, in a member state of the European Union. In the event of using tools owned by companies not covered by European data protection regulations, we undertake to sign specific agreements for the processing of personal data with each of these providers or third parties. Specifically, Standard Contractual Clauses will be signed or, by their name in English, Standard Contractual Clauses.

At ERASMUS FEMST we only share personal information with third parties in order to provide services or carry out commercial operations in the terms described in this Privacy Policy or when we consider that the law allows or requires it. Most of the time what we share with third parties is non-personal, anonymous or statistical data. When we share personal information, we do so in accordance with the privacy and data security requirements previously informed in each case and under the signing of private contracts for treatment managers, in which they ensure that our providers comply with the appropriate security measures. for complete data protection and legal compliance.

ERASMUS FEMST has channels on the social networks of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin, with the main purpose of publishing and disseminating information about the products offered through the ERASMUS FEMST website, interacting with users and serving as a service channel. and social interaction.

In the event that you access this website using an application that connects a social network with this website, you will be authorizing the social network to share some data with ERASMUS FEMST.

It is important that you know that if you have geolocated your accounts on social networks, said location information when sharing on networks will be visible to third parties with whom you share or share your information.

You can obtain more information about the use of your data in these social networks by consulting the privacy policy of each of them.

How can you exercise your rights?

At any time the user can withdraw their consent and exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability provided for in the Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 and LO 3/2018 on Data Protection and Guarantee of Rights Digital, by sending an email to info@erasmusfemst.com or by sending postal mail to the address of the company indicated above.

What do we need to verify your identity?

In both cases, the user must accompany a copy of their national identity document, passport or other valid document that identifies them.

Is there a model for the exercise of rights?

You can request our model by email or by going to our headquarters (both addresses previously described).

You can also make use of the models and forms that the portal of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection makes available to you for the exercise of these rights, which can be found at the following address:


Right to information: the interested party must be previously informed in an express, precise and unequivocal manner of, among other things, the existence of a file, the possibility of exercising their rights and the data controller.
Right of access: allows the citizen to know and obtain free information about their personal data submitted to treatment.
Right of rectification: This right is characterized by the fact that it allows errors to be corrected, data that turns out to be inaccurate or incomplete to be modified, and guaranteeing the certainty of the information being processed.
Right of cancellation: allows the deletion of data that turns out to be inadequate or excessive without prejudice to the duty of blocking contained in the LOPD.
Right of opposition: The right of opposition is the right of the affected party not to carry out the processing of their personal data or to cease it.
Right of limitation: the user has the right to decide what personal data they do not want to be processed again in the future, being able to exercise this right when they have previously challenged their accuracy; when the treatment is illegal and instead of exercising the deletion of the same decides to limit them for future treatments. In case of limitation of the treatment, the restriction may be lifted if there is consent of the interested party; possibility that the treatment affects the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person; judicial procedure that justifies it; or there is an important reason of public interest based on current legislation.
Right of portability: you have the right to receive the personal data provided or that ERASMUS FEMST transmits them to another person in charge, in a structured format of common use and mechanical reading, as long as the treatment is carried out by automated means and the treatment is based on the consent that the User gave one day for one or several specific purposes, or for the execution of a contract in which he was a party. The right to portability will not apply when transmission is technically impossible; nor when it may negatively affect the rights and freedoms of third parties; nor when the treatment has a mission of public interest based on current legislation.
Right to file a claim with the Control Authority: you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (control authority in Spain) through the following link: https://www.aepd.es/

Right to be forgotten: Elimination of names in the list of search engine results.
Advertising rights: Right to exclude telephone directories, Right not to receive unwanted advertising, Rights of subscribers and users of telecommunications services,

At ERASMUS FEMST, for the protection of the personal data of its users, we have security protocols and the application of technical and organizational measures appropriate to the state of the art, taking into account the scope, context and purposes of the treatment, as well as the risks. of variable probability and severity for the rights and freedoms of the interested parties, trying to be able to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the treatment systems and services.

In addition, we care about ensuring a correct choice of your treatment managers, in compliance with the regulations on Data Protection.

In particular, ERASMUS FEMST has the following measures:

1.- Privacy and security risk assessment strategy, as well as a disaster recovery plan designed to safeguard the continuity of our services and to protect our personnel and our data.

2.- Implementation of the Technical and Organizational Security Measures: we apply the technical and organizational measures to the functions described in this privacy policy.

3.- Record of Incidents: Lanzago staff uses the record of incidents to report any incident related to the security of the information and personal data included in the files with personal data they process.

4.- Regular training and awareness of our staff and collaborators to avoid errors in data management.

Identification and Authentication System: to give access only to the necessary data and to the specific profile that uses them.


In the event of a breach of the security of personal data, provided that it is not unlikely that said breach of security constitutes a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, ERASMUS FEMST will notify the Spanish Data Protection Agency before of elapse

after 72 hours have elapsed since the incident was recorded, describing the nature of the violation, the possible consequences that could arise and the measures adopted or proposed to remedy the security breach; and if possible, the categories and the approximate number of interested parties and data affected will be made known.

In addition, ERASMUS FEMST will notify the interested parties, as soon as possible, when it is probable that the violation of the security of personal data entails a high risk for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, describing the possible consequences that could arise and the measures taken or proposed to remedy the security breach.

The personal data provided to ERASMUS FEMST will be deleted once the relevant period for making claims has elapsed. In cases in which the treatment is based on the consent of the interested party, the data will be kept until you request its removal or deletion, or withdraw your own consent, or it is not necessary to meet the purpose for which it was collected.

In the link “Cookies Policy” we inform you that this ERASMUS FEMST website may use cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the user who accesses this website) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the proper functioning and display of the site, to share on social networks and, in some cases, to carry out analysis of evaluation statistics and proposals for improvement.

To obtain these analyzes, this website can store certain information in the server logs automatically through the use of cookies that collect usage and navigation data related to the use of this website by you as a user.

The IP is considering personal data, ERASMUS FEMST does not associate IP addresses, or other data that the use of cookies yields, nor the results of metrics, with identifiable information of people, nor to collect personal information, although it may occasionally serve us to direct advertising or segment users to whom to direct it.

As a user, it is convenient for you to know that we use Internet tools and platforms that install cookies that do not depend on us, so it is possible that the owners of said tools use such data for other uses, for which we are not responsible.

For this reason, it is convenient that you read the Cookies policy to know which ones are your own, which are from third parties, which are permanent, temporary or session; and you can decide to uninstall the ones you consider appropriate, since it will not greatly affect the result, comfort, or browsing experience.

Following the instructions of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, minors under 14 years of age must not transfer their personal data to ERASMUS FEMST without the prior consent of their parents or guardians. With the publication of the European General Data Protection Regulation, the determination of the age to consent to the transfer of personal data between 16 and 13 years is foreseen, an issue that is currently to be defined.

In the event that ERASMUS FEMST detects users who may be under 16 years of age, it reserves the right to request a copy of their ID or equivalent document, or, where appropriate, the authorization of their parents or guardians, causing their withdrawal in case failure to prove compliance with this requirement or lack of response.

As a user, you accept and guarantee that the personal data you provide is true, being solely responsible for any direct or indirect damage or loss that may be caused to ERASMUS FEMST as the person responsible for this website or to a third party, if you fill in any form with false data or of third parties causing deception, damage or harm.

Please notify us of any variation that may occur in the data provided by sending an email to info@erasmusfemst.com.

At ERASMUS FEMST we store the user’s personal data on secure servers, protected against the most common types of attacks and located in Europe. However, and since there is no invulnerable technology, the user must also put the means at his disposal to maintain the level of security of his data, through the use of strong passwords, the periodic modification of his passwords, avoiding using it in diverse accounts, as well as avoiding taking note of them in any physical or non-encrypted medium.

ERASMUS FEMST expressly prohibits the user from sharing, providing or transferring third party data to anyone, which he could obtain as a result of contact, interaction or realization

navigation or consultation through this website, except if you can prove the express authorization of the user whose data you intend to transfer. We remind you that images are considered protected data and therefore no one can use them without the express consent of the person who appears in them.

As a user, you acknowledge assuming your responsibility, forcing yourself to hold ERASMUS FEMST harmless from any possible claim, penalty, fine or sanction that you may be forced to bear as a result of the user’s breach of the duty described.

If you provide us with the personal data of other people, you must do so with their consent and having previously informed them of the points contained in this Privacy Policy.

ERASMUS FEMST is based in Spain, specifically in the city of Seville, so it is bound by Spanish and European laws on Data Protection.

Therefore, the user accepts that the claims or complaints against ERASMUS FEMST that come from or are related to the use of this website and more specifically with the processing of their personal data will be resolved by the court of competent jurisdiction located in Seville.

If the user accesses this site from a location outside of Spain, they are responsible for complying with all applicable local and international laws.

ERASMUS FEMST may modify this privacy policy at any time by publishing it on this website, which will always include the date of the last applicable update.


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In Progress